The president redefines the meaning of sex,
First Japan, now Russia, whose market falls next?
Society's decline is clearly recorded in text,
Morally, financially, falling deeper in debt.
A seven-year-old murdered after molestation,
An accessory is rewarded with an elite education.
He feels no remorse for his participation,
No punishment, no apology, no renewed investigation.
Thirty years later, revisit Dr. King's death,
It's safe now to probe, Ray's taken his last breath.
Rising taxes and a kinder, gentler IRS,
That still wants to take, everything you have left.
Black man, brown man, yellow man, white,
Humanity has no color, but racism has might.
Will it take a global disaster, to make us see the light,
Or will this be our legacy, as the next species comes to life?




 Contributed to the National Library of Poetry publication,
"A Quiet Place". Send comments, suggestions, or contributions to
CANTMISS Enterprises.